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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Our School Offer 

1. How does Torpoint Nursery and Infant School Primary School know if children need extra help?   

We know when a child needs help if:

- concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers or the child

- limited progress is being made

 - there is a change in the child’s behaviour or progress

The class teacher is the initial point of contact for responding to parental concerns or if you have concerns then contact Miss Palmer or Mrs Lock who are the SENDCOs   

2. How will I know how Torpoint Nursery and Infant School Primary School support my child?   

Each child’s education programme will be planned by the class teacher. It will be differentiated accordingly to suit the child’s individual needs. This may include additional general support by the teacher or teaching assistant in class.

If a child has needs related to more specific areas of their education, such as spelling, handwriting, numeracy & literacy skills etc., then the child may be placed in a small focus group. This will be run by the teacher and/or teaching assistant. The length of time of the intervention will vary according to need but will generally be for under a term. The interventions will be regularly reviewed by all involved to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning.

These interventions will be recorded on a provision map (this is a record of the interventions, timings, cost and impact of the intervention). If you have any queries related to the interventions please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or SENDCO.

Child Progress Meetings are held each term. This is a meeting where the class teacher meets with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the progress of the children in their class. This shared discussion may highlight any potential problems in order for further support to be planned.

Occasionally a child may need more expert support from an outside agency such as the Speech and Language Therapist, Paediatrician etc. A referral will be made, with your consent, and forwarded to the most appropriate agency. After a series of assessments, a programme of support is usually provided to the school and parents/carers. We can also provide specialist speech and language therapy support from our own speech and language therapist.

In a support and challenge role the Governors ensure that the school is as inclusive as possible and treats all children and staff in an equitable way.  They monitor and review the accessibility plan and all other statutory policies as defined by the DfE.  They receive termly reports to the Full Governing Body and there is a linked Governor for SEND.

3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?  

When a child has been identified with special needs the class teacher will ensure that the child can  access the curriculum appropriately.

Class Teachers and/or Teaching Assistants (TAs) may work with the child in a 1-1 or small focus group to target more specific needs.

The child’s progress will be monitored by the SENDCO and discussed with the parents formally at a meeting, usually the parental consultation, three times per year.

If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the child e.g. writing slopes, concentration cushions, pen/pencils grips or easy to use scissors

4. How will I know how my child is doing? 

You will be able to discuss your child’s progress at Parental Consultations and the SENDCo will be present at these meetings.

Your child’s class teacher will be available at the end of each day if you wish to raise a concern. Arrangements can be made to speak in more detail to the class teacher or SENDCO at any time by requesting this directly to the class teacher and SENDCO.

5.How will you help me to support my child’s learning?

The class teacher may suggest ways of how you can support your child.

A member of our additional needs team may meet with you to offer appropriate directed support.

If outside agencies or the Educational Psychologist have been involved, suggestions are normally provided that can be used at home.

6. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

The school offers a variety of pastoral support for children who may be encountering emotional difficulties, starting with the support offered to children in class.

Friendly Lunch Club is available for those who find lunchtimes a challenge or who just prefer a quieter experience.

If a child has a medical need then a Care Plan is compiled either by school staff in consultation with parents/carers or with the support of the prescribing medical practitioner.  These are discussed with all staff who are involved with the child in school.

Where necessary and in agreement with parents/carers medicines are administered in school but only where a signed medicine consent form is in place to ensure the safety of both child and staff member. 

The majority of staff have basic first aid training. Staff receive ‘epipen’ training delivered by the school nurse.

Support Information for Parents