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Physical Education and Physical Development 

Our mission is to develop physical competency and promote a love of physical activity which will contribute towards pupils physical development, emotional development and health; now, and for the rest of their lives.

Our children will participate in at least two hours of high quality PE lessons each week. We will ensure that children will complete activities in dance, gymnastics and games and develop their fundamental skills which will lead to life long learning. Teachers will ensure that objectives are covered from the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One National Curriculum.

File icon: pdf PE Policy 2020-21 [pdf 136KB] Click to download

PE Lessons

All children, regardless of their ability, race or gender will be able to access and enjoy their PE lessons. We will ensure that all children experience Physical Education in a safe and secure environment and that activities are planned for which both stimulate and engage all children to participate on an individual and group basis.  

Look at a PE lesson ...

File icon: mp4 Reception PE Lesson [mp4 3MB] Click to download

Healthy Bodies

During daily PE lessons, children take part in regular discussions about the need for exercise and the effect that it has on their bodies.  Children also hear this message through the schools work with Healthy Schools, R Time and Circle Time.

Children will learn through planned activities the importance of maintaining a healthy body and life style.  Children also learn about nutrition and the importance of having a balanced diet. 

Additional PE Opportunities

This year clubs have been arranged so that classes can stay in their bubbles. Year 1 and Year 2 have taken part in 2 different after school club cycles this year. In the Autumn Term Year 2 did team games linked to their P.E. sessions in school and Year 1 did dance. In the Summer Term Year 2 used the climbing apparatus in the hall and Year 1 did team games. 

In the Summer Term Reception children also started after school clubs and took part in football and team games. 

Our new playground markings and climbing equipment give the children opportunities for active brain-breaks and lunchtimes. 

File icon: mp4 Playground Markings (1) [mp4 30MB] Click to download
File icon: mp4 Playground Markings (2) [mp4 29MB] Click to download
File icon: mp4 Climbing Frame [mp4 53MB] Click to download

The outdoor learning opportunities in our school grounds also give us the chance to improve our physical skills and confidence.

File icon: mp4 Outdoor Learning Butterflies [mp4 20MB] Click to download

Additional funding for PE - Sports Premium

 We will ensure that we use this money so that it has the greatest impact on the teaching and learning of Physical Education within our school.  To do this, we will evaluate current practice and the progress that children are currently making. We will then discuss as a staff ways in which we feel this money would be best spent to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision within school

National Curriculum for PE

Statutory Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage

Site Page Link Icon Sports Premium

Health and Well-being Day!