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Here at Torpoint Nursery and Infant School, we teach phonics through our own scheme.

It is split into six phases, from starting to learn about sounds in reception to becoming fluent readers.

The phonic approach encourages us to directly link letters (graphemes) to sounds (phonemes), and to teach children pure sounds like ah, b, k when encountering the alphabet (instead of letter names). So, children learn how to put sounds represented by letters or letter groups (like ch or igh) together to read words in a more straightforward way.

We use  resources from Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc. scheme to support our phonics teaching and to help form letters correctly.

We have provided our phonics scheme, a variety of resurces and a range of videos to  help you support your child.

File icon: pdf TNIS Phonics Programme 2021 [pdf 554KB] Click to download
File icon: pdf Phonics Mat 1- phase 2 and 3 [pdf 4MB] Click to download
This mat is suitable for year one and above as it uses capital letters as well as lower case letters.
File icon: pdf Phonics Mat 2- Phases 3 [pdf 5MB] Click to download
File icon: pdf Phonics Mat 3- Phase 5 [pdf 5MB] Click to download