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 Help Your Child With Handwriting



File icon: pdf TNIS Handwriting a Guide for Parents [pdf 1MB] Click to download

Handwriting isn't just about forming the letters correctly.

The children also need to develop the skills to enable them to hold a pencil correctly. 

There are a wide range of activities that don't include a pencil that can help children develop a good pincer grip which in turn lead to a good pencil holding technique

  • threading
  • picking objects up with pegs
  • sorting buttons or other small objects
  • pushing pompoms into bottles
  • threading pipe cleaners into colanders
  • cutting with scissors
  • squeezing oranges to make juice
  • using a trigger spray bottle ( with child safe contents) 
  • pick up sticks games
  • peeling tape off a surface

Find the title of the video you need then just click on the arrow next to the description and the video will appear!

File icon: mp4 Number Formation with Mr Solman [mp4 14MB] Click to download
This session focuses on correct number formation and is suitable for every child in the school
File icon: mp4 Handwriting Curly Caterpillar Letters with Miss Jones [mp4 16MB] Click to download
This session focuses on correct letter formation and is suitable for every child in the school
File icon: mp4 Handwriting Robot Letters with Miss Jones [mp4 17MB] Click to download
This session focuses on correct letter formation and is suitable for every child in the school
File icon: mp4 Handwriting Ladder Letters with Miss Jones [mp4 17MB] Click to download
This session focuses on correct letter formation and is suitable for every child in the school
File icon: mp4 Handwriting 'Zigzag Monster Letters 'with Miss Jones [mp4 16MB] Click to download
This session focuses on correct letter formation and is suitable for every child in the school